Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009
If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go to... Jordan!
Jun,24, 2009
is so nice to keep friends from all over the world !! i like to be special i like to communicate with everybody im also a good english speaker i like helping others so much anybody needs any information or friendship or even help i will always be there so ask me if we didnt ask we will not be able to learn i also may need help of you .... so i hope you can be there too !!!!
* hope to all of you a good day*
enjoy your day .....
Its jordan lets find out why??
this is the second world wonders after the great chinese wall wich is petra city as you see this is a city curvied in rock that was built by the nabateans.....
this is a theater that was built by the roman people before a long time ago
this is a street of colomns and its really great people all over the world come to see it.....
this is a mozayek you can find it in madaba....
this is a sea city in jordan that called aqaba....
this is our flag.....
this is the mansaf the national food of jordanian people
this is map of the kingdom of jordan
this is our national team ( fasaly the boss )
this is our king and queen with their childs (they are so nice)
this is the currency of jordan kingdom
That why I love Jordan this is our motto......
hope i was able to deliver my message !!
do you like my second country.??
hope that.. Thank you...............................................
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Glory and beauty, Sublimity and splendor
Are in your hills, Are in your hills
Life and deliverance, Pleasure and hope
Are in your air, Are in your Air
Will I see you? Will I see you?
Safe and comforted, Sound and honored
Will I see you in your eminence?
Reaching to the stars, Reaching to the stars
My homeland, My homeland
My homeland, My homeland
The youth will not tire, 'till your independence
Or they die
We will drink from death
And will not be to our enemies
Like slaves, Like slaves
We do not want, We do not want
An eternal humiliation
Nor a miserable life
We do not want
But we will bring back
Our storied glory, Our storied glory
My homeland, My homeland
The sword and the pen
Not the talk nor the quarrel
Are our symbols, Are our symbols
Our glory and our covenant
And a duty to be faithful
Moves us, moves us
Our glory, Our glory
Is an honorable cause
And a waving standard
O, behold you
In your eminence
Victorious over your enemies
Victorious over your enemies
My homeland, My homeland >Iraq sits on the ground today as it was called mesopt amia daimed.Which was the craole of human ciuilization anaent. Iraq extends along the tignis and Euphraten rivers is located between the cuit and south mountain nange. Tourus in the south of Turkey and the paralled of the editerranean sea north . Iraq was the middle Ages the status of the Islmic empire,and he Baghdad ,political and cultural capital of the region stretching from morocco to the semi .The continent of India. However, the invasion of the mongols in the thirteenth century as Baghdad and the influence of cultural influence which has the role to that Iraq was independence from Britain in 1932. After the overthrow of the monarchy in 195 in Iraq transition to the sgstem Republican and then the country has witnessed anumbar of ilitany coups, the latest the coup that brought the Baath party to power in july 17-1968 . Iraq is acountry rich in oil wealth ,and when Saddam Hussien president in 1979, coming in the place of former president Ahmed Hassan at -Bakr was oil repr esents 95 per cent of the countrys resources in hard currency How ever the wan1980_1988 whith Iran and the Gulf was that followed the invasion of kawait in 1990 and then the international sanctions that followed the serious negative impact on the economic situation and social council.
Lema: Allahu akbarDios es más grande
Himno nacional: Mawtini
Capital • Población • Coordenadas
Bagdad5.672.516 hab. (2005)33° 20’ N 44° 26’ E
Iraq está dividido en 18 provincias (muhafazat, singular: muhafaza):
Bagdad (بغداد)
Salah ad Din (صلاح الدين)
Basora (البصرة)
Dhi Qar (ذي قار)
Al Muthanna
Al Qadisyah (القادسية)
Babil (بابل)
Kerbala (كربلاء)
Nayaf (النجف)
Al Anbar (الأنبار)
Ninawa (نينوى)
Dahuk (دهوك)
Erbil (أربيل)
At Ta'mim
Suleimaniya (السليمانية)
A refugee is a person who flees to escape conflict, persecution or natural disaster.
Owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of their nationality, and is unable to or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail him/herself of the protection of that country.
The concept of a refugee was expanded by the Conventions’ 1967 Protocol and by regional conventions in Africa and Latin America to include persons who had fled war or other in their home country. A person who is seeking to be recognized as a refugee is an asylum seeker. Refugee was defined as a legal group in response to the large numbers of people fleeing Eastern Europe following World War II. The lead international agency coordinating refugee protection is the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which counted 8,400,000 refugees worldwide at the beginning of 2006. This was the lowest number since 1980. The major exception is the 4,300,000 Palestinian refugees under the authority of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), who are the only group to be granted refugee status to the descendants of refugees according to the above definition. The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants gives the world total as 62,000,000 refugees and estimates there are over 34,000,000 displaced by war, including internally displaced persons, who remain within the same national borders. The majority of refugees who leave their country seek asylum in countries neighboring their country of nationality. The "durable solutions" to refugee populations, as defined by UNHCR and governments, are: voluntary repatriation to the country of origin; local integration into the country of asylum; and resettlement to a third country. As of December 31, 2005, the largest source countries of refugees are the Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar, Sudan, and the Palestinian Territories. The country with the largest number of IDPs is Sudan, with over 5 million. As of 2006, with 800,000 refugees and IDPs, Azerbaijan had the highest per capita DP population in the world.
The concept of the meaning that a person who fled into a holy place could not be harmed without inviting divine retribution, was understood by the ancient Greeks and ancient Egyptians. However, the right to seek asylum in a church or other holy place, was first codified in law by King Ethelbert of Kent in about 600 A.D. Similar laws were implemented throughout Europe in the Middle Ages. The related concept of political exile also has a long history: Ovid was sent to Tomis and Voltaire was exiled to England. Through the 1648 Peace of Westphalia, nations recognized each others' sovereignty. However, it was not until the advent of romantic nationalism in late eighteenth century Europe that nationalism became prevalent enough that the phrase "country of nationality" became meaningful and people crossing borders were required to provide identification.
The term "refugee" is sometimes applied to people who may have fit the definition, if the 1951 Convention was applied retroactively. There are many candidates. For example, after the Edict of Fontainebleau in 1685 outlawed Protestantism in France, hundreds of thousands of Huguenots fled to England, the Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa, Germany and Prussia. Repeated waves of pogroms swept Eastern Europe, propelling mass Jewish emigration (more than 2 million Russian Jews emigrated in one million Armenians fled Turkey between 1915-1923 to escape persecution and genocide. The period 1881-1920 . VARIOUS GROUPS of people were officially designated refugees beginning in world war.
Iraq war Refugees
Refugees from Iraq have increased in number since the US-led invasion into Iraq in March 2003. An estimated 1.6-2.0 million people have fled the country. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimated in a report released in November 2006 that more than 1.6 million Iraqis had left Iraq since March 2003, nearly 7 percent of the total population. The BBC on 22 January 2007 placed the refugee figure at 2 million. By 16 February 2007, António Guterres, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said that the external refugee number reached 2 million and that within Iraq there are an estimated 1.7 million internally displaced people. The refugee traffic out of the country has increased since the intensification of civil war. As of April 29, 2008, the UNHCR estimated that over 4.7 million Iraqis have been displaced, with 2.7 million within Iraq and 2 million in neighboring countries. Most ventured to Jordan and Syria, creating demographic shifts that have worried both governments. A fear persisted in both countries, and others hosting sizable Iraqi refugee populations, that sectarian tensions would spill over amongst the exiles. These refugees were estimated to have been leaving Iraq at a rate of 3000-per-day by December 2006. Roughly 40% of Iraq's middle class is believed to have fled, the U.N. said. Most are fleeing systematic persecution and have no desire to return. Refugees are mired in poverty as they are generally barred from working in their host countries. In Syria alone an estimated 50,000 Iraqi girls and women, many of them widows, are forced into prostitution just to survive. A May 25, 2007 article notes that in the past seven months only 69 people from Iraq have been granted refugee status in the United States.In fiscal year 2006, just 202 refugees from Iraq were allowed to resettle in the United States. As a result of growing international pressure, on June 1, 2007 the Bush administration said it was ready to admit 7,000 Iraqi refugees who had helped the coalition since the invasion. In 2006, 1.27 million immigrants were granted legal permanent residence in the U.S., including 70,000 refugees. According to Washington based Refugees International the U.S. has admitted fewer than 800 Iraqi refugees since the invasion, Sweden had accepted 18,000 and Australia almost 6,000.As many as 110,000 Iraqis could be targeted as collaborators because of their work for coalition forces.
what makes life worth living
Accomplishing my goals is what makes life worth living.
You learn to live. You live to love. And you love to be happy.
Impacting others and indirectly the world.
What makes life worth living: the opportunity to make a change.
Family because they depend on us and we depend on them.
The ability to make an impact on others.
Chocolate, vanilla, and cinnamon spice.
Coffee, tarragon, and Minnesota wild rice.
Every aspect of life that takes the pain away.
Dreams bring pain, God heals pain, Friends and Family make laughter.
Expressions and love. Loves, likes, and passions and fights. Those moments you can’t but look back at and smile at. Those OMG did you see your face moments! Money. Success. Knowing you’re the best…
People because they build the foundations for greatness and for failure.
Waking up in the morning feeling happy within yourself, with endless opportunities.
The future is tomorrow, what you do today impacts it.
Risk makes life worth living because whether you fail or succeed you learn and grow as an individual.
Loving and being loved makes life worth living.
The color blue makes life worth living. Blue skies lying up watching or flying high.
That passion for love laughter, and success makes life worth living.
Finding out what your purpose is.
The effect of music, the special people, that make us smile and cry, and leaving a legacy behind…Makes Life Worth Living.
Emotions, family, friends, purpose, love, knowledge and the power to create a new life makes life worth living.
Beautiful things and Beautiful People make life worth living.
“LIVING” makes life worth living; Faith makes life worthwhile.
Dreams give the light we need to keep ourselves in the right path, make our lives worth living.