Monday, December 19, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
When will it ever stop?
When will it ever stop?
Bullying is when a
person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more
power, either in terms of physical strength or social standing. Two of the main
reasons people are bullied are because of appearance and social status. Bullies
pick on the people they think don't fit in, maybe because of how they look, how
they act (for example, kids who are shy and withdrawn), their race or religion,
or because the bullies think their target may be gay or lesbian.
Bullying is
aggressive behavior that is intended to harm, usually takes place repeatedly,
and involves an imbalance of power. Bullying takes three basic forms verbal
teasing and name calling (online, texting, or face to face) spreading rumors,
excluding people on purpose, breaking up friendships (online, texting, or face
to face) physical: hitting, shoving, and spitting.
Bullying has made
a huge impact on people’s lives. Bullies bully sometimes because of racial
difference, skin color, religion, or even about the way someone looks, but
everyone should be treated the same. Bullying makes people feel bad about
themselves. It has even made students not want to come to school so they don’t have
to deal with bullying. Some others even killed themselves. Bullying has become
a really big issue around the world.
Every day
thousands of teens wake up afraid to go to school. Bullying is a problem that
affects millions of students, and it has everyone worried, not just the kids on
its receiving end. Yet because parents, teachers, and other adults don't always
see it, they may not understand how extreme bullying can get.
Some bullies
attack their targets physically, which can mean anything from shoving or
tripping to punching or hitting, or even sexual assault. Others use
psychological control or verbal insults to put themselves in charge. For
example, people in popular groups or cliques often bully people they categorize
as different by excluding them or gossiping about them (psychological
bullying). They may also taunt or tease their targets (verbal bullying). Verbal
bullying can also involve sending cruel instant or email messages or even
posting insults about a person on a website — practices that are known as cyber
As you can see
bullying had made a huge impact. 160,000 kids stay home from school every day
to avoid bullying. Students deserve to feel safe at school. But when they
experience bullying, these types of effects can last long into their future. Bullying
must stop because it causes many problems such as low sell esteem and violence.
Battling Bullying
Swift’s revelation that she had been bullied and her hit songs means which is a
kind of anti-bullying anthem is part of a nationwide move toward recognizing
and combating buying. Other celebrities, including actress Jessica Alba and Pop
Icon Justin Timberlake, have also come forward with stories. Even the White House is getting involved. President
Barack Obama held a conference on bullying, also Obama called on adults to take
bullying seriously. Bullying can cause lasting harm, says Susan Swearer,
associate professor of psychology at the University of Nebraska.
As a result,
bullying is a topic much on the nation’s mind these days with both President
Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama addressing the topic nationally; and
anti-bullying legislation being proposed in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
On Tuesday, the
Josephson Institute of Ethics in Los Angeles released the results of a new
study indicating half of all high school students admit they bullied someone in
the past year, and nearly half — 47 percent — say they were bullied, teased, or
taunted in a way that seriously upset them in the past year.
Now, a teen
suicide in the Greater Pottstown area’s own backyard has brought that painful
conversation here. After 17 year-old Boyertown Area High School junior Jesse
Buchsbaum was found hanged in his Gilbertsville home Monday; his parents have
said they suspect bullying could have been a factor in their son’s death.
What should you do
if you’re bullied? Nobody deserves to be bullied, “says Julie Herzog, director
of PACER’s National Bullying Prevention center in Minnesota. “If you are being
bullied, reach out to an adult for help.”
Who is the right adult? Every bullying
situation is different, in fact, recent study of middle school students
conducted by researchers at the University of California-Davis found that money
bullies are kids who are reasonably popular but they want to become more
popular. They bully to try to impress others.
What makes a
“Bullying can
happen in a number of ways. Some kids who tend to be bullies are usually your
more dominant personalities,” said Michelle Herrigel, Psy.D., clinical director
at the Devereaux Pocono Center in Newfoundland, and a psychotherapist who
treats adolescents and adults.
When you witness
bullying are you aware of the seriousness in verbal abuse? bullying at its best! Sometimes hurtful words
can cause more pain than physical abuse and In this case it can lead to
suicide! Nowadays bullying can happen anywhere and because the internet is
becoming a main source of communication it is also becoming a main cause of
bullying! “Many will view violence in a positive light,” said Herrigel, who
writes the “Counseling Corner” blog on the Town Square site at,
The Mercury’s website.
“But others may be
pressured into it, like if you have a group of kids on a bus who are bullying
someone, their choices may be stand up for the child, and possibly become the
target for bullying themselves, or join in,” Herrigel said.
“Bullies tend to
be more impulsive, more easily frustrated,” she said, noting that “the victims
tend to be quieter, more socially isolated.”
“All kids are
trying to be accepted and to get what they want and if bullying someone works,
and they get away with it, they’ll do it again and then it becomes a pattern of
behavior,” said Herrigel.
“And it is a
highly reinforced behavior when all your peers are laughing or cheering you
on,” she said. At the same time, “it leaves the victim lonely, humiliated and
with very low self-esteem.”
“We don’t call it
bullying, we call it harassment and we make sure everyone knows that harassment
is against the law,” Rodriguez said. If anyone is being a victim of bullying
please know there is help! Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary
problem! And remember “10 years from now it won’t matter the shoes you wore or
the friends you had what will matter is the person you become!”
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
اشعار حب تعبر عن احلى كلام

كتاب حياتي ياعيني.....
ماشفت مثله كتاب الفرح سطرين والباقي عذاب......
انا حبيتك بقلبي وهذا غلطتي.....
رميت كل الحجر وبدم قلبي كتبتلك
واختصرت عذاب الشعر بكلمه وحده اشتقتلك...
افتقدك بالرغم من كثرة الاصحاب.
اريدك وانا بين شلة الاحباب
احتاجك لما في قلبي من احزان فبدونك احيا بلا امن ولا اطمئنان
عمر المسافه ما ميزت يوم الاحساس
ولا بدلت نااااااس بقلبي بدل ناااااااااس
واذا هالدنيا خذتك مني وجودك
تتعب لاجل تاخذ غلاك
تدري لو فقدتك وش بيصير انسى اني بالوجود
وانسى اني بشر مولود
الحياه محطات:
علمتني كيف اعزك
ولعيونك بس اشتاق
ونسيت تعلمني الدنيا بغيابك كيف تنطاق
علموك القساوه&وانت طبعك حنون
كيف تجرح دموعي&وانت وسط عيني
بكيتني وانا احسبك تكره بكاي
اثرك تلذذ بدموعي وانا ابكى
علمني كيف انساك
علمني كيف اهواك واكتفي
علمني كيف اصل الى اعماقك
وابدا الحكايه ...
واسير على اوتار قلبك حتى النهايه...
My Memory Library
Imagine if I was given one moment,
just a single slice of my past.
I could hold it close forever,
and that moment would always last.
I'd put the moment in a safe,
within my hearts abode.
I could open it when I wanted,
and only I would know the code.
I could choose a time of laughing,
a time of happiness and fun.
I could choose a time that tried me,
through everything I've done.
I sat and thought about what moment,
would always make me smile.
One that would always push me,
to walk that extra mile.
If I'm feeling sad and low,
if I'm struggling with what to do.
I can go and open my little safe,
and watch my moment through.
There are moments I can think of,
that would lift my spirits everytime.
The moments when you picked me up,
when the road was hard to climb.
For me to only pick one moment,
to cherish, save and keep,
Is proving really difficult,
as I've gathered up a heap!
I've dug deep inside my heart,
found the safe and looked inside,
there was room for lots of moments,
in fact hundreds if I tried.
I'm building my own little library,
embedded in my heart,
for all the moments spent with you,
before you had to part.
I can open it up whenever I like,
pick a moment and watch it through,
My little library acts as a promise,
I'll never ever forget you
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Love is better than hate
Once you have completed your education, would you return to your
Once you have completed your education, would you return to your
hometown to begin your adult life? Why or why not?
I would love to go back to my hometown in Baghdad (Iraq) after completing my education, but I don’t think that I could go anymore because of the situation in Iraq and also there are terrorists who would kill me and my family if we would go back to Iraq.
We see many reasons why we would want to leave our country and come here. One of the biggest reasons is that there are evil people who started sending threatening letters to my dad because he worked with the American Army as a contractor. They wanted him to stop or they would kill his family. At first, my dad didn't take it seriously because it was an insane way of thinking. Then again after a week we received the same letter, but this time the letter said that they are going to kill us one by one and they going to start with youngest one in our family. By then, Dad was frustrated, angry and very scared. So he decided to send us to Amman, Jordan where it safe and peaceful.
But that wasn’t the end. My family and I we faced to many problems in Jordan because of our religion. In Jordan, Most Jordanians are Sunni Muslims. In general, the Sunni Muslims hate the Shiite Muslims. Because of our religion, life was very hard for us in Jordan. So very much I had to hide and keep my real religion a secret from everyone from my school my neighbors in Jordan so I can survive.
I hated my life so much. Because I had to do things I had never done before and I even knew what I was doing wrong but there was no other way for me to survive. That hurt me a lot but there was no other way for me to show them or making them change their way of thinking. I want to tell everyone in school and outside the school that not every Shiite Muslims is bad person. I really wanted to tell them so bad. But I could not.
Also it was very hard for Iraqi people to work in Jordan so my dad had to leave us and go back to Iraq so he could find a job there more easily. He worked there for a year. Mom used to say her prayers every day asking God to bring Dad back to us safe and sound. My mom was so strong and she taught us how to be as strong as she was. We were happy when my dad came back to Jordan. He told us that we could apply to go to the USA as refugees. That day I was so happy. I said to myself,” yeah Farah it’s time to tell everyone that I am Shiite Muslim.” When I told them they all looked at me in a totally different way. They looked at me in really mean way. The look was very nasty and they kept distance from me. So I told,” them what do you all really mean by this look?” I was your friend I was your neighbor you all told me not to leave because you guys said that you love me for who I was. Now you all look down on me because I told you what my religion was. They did not say anything to me. They were so silent that day. So I told them it is not about the religion or where you come from, it’s all about the heart that every one of us holds.
Then we come here to America and we were very scared. We come from Iraq which is the country that America having a fight with. We were really afraid that something bad will happen to us if we come here, but America was our last chance to survive. It was the only way for us to start dreaming again of our future.
The first week in America was scare. We spend the whole week hiding inside the house. My Dad was afraid that something bad will happened to us if we go outside. So we would look from the window to the outside and it just looked so beautiful. So I tell my brothers and sisters let’s wait till dad sleep and lets go to see what is going on out there. So we all were really were scare, and we know we are going to be in big trouble if dad wakeup.
The six of us driving in our bicycles, and everyone we see outside saying hello to us. It feels so good and warm because really no one has ever done this before. So then I start doing the same things I start saying hi to everyone I see. My old brother Hashim he start saying, “Farah stop saying, Hi to everyone you see” I told him,”Hashim don’t u see people here are really cool and nice to us.” Later on Hashim was ok with it he also start saying Hi to the people he see.
Then we went back home and my dad was a wake. He was so angry. He kept telling us why you guys went off you don’t know what might happened to you. What if something bad happened to one of you what I would do then? I told my dad people here are really nice and everything outside look so cool and beautiful don’t you want to go outside now. My dad was cool about what I said and he decided to go and look outside. It was funny how my dad was reacting when I said hello to everyone I see. He said, “Farah do you know all those people.” I tell him no but it make me feel good when I say hello to them. Then my dad he feels more comfortable around the people here. Now my dad he is making his dream by opening his first restraint. Now everyone in my family working very hard on making the dream come true.
In my country most people have rules that they have to fallow. They are serious about their life. They take everything in a very serious way. Most people in Iowa are very nice and kind. Very much to me everyone seemed so cool in here and that what really make me want to stay here forever and start on making my dream life here.
I want to study to become a newspaper journalist because I want to show the whole world that there are people who been in the same situation as I was in. I want to tell them how hard and frightening the war was. I want to show everyone, “it’s not about the outside that matter but the inside of that person that really matters the most. With a good college education, I will be able to live anywhere in the United States and make my dream and my family dream come true.
hometown to begin your adult life? Why or why not?
I would love to go back to my hometown in Baghdad (Iraq) after completing my education, but I don’t think that I could go anymore because of the situation in Iraq and also there are terrorists who would kill me and my family if we would go back to Iraq.
We see many reasons why we would want to leave our country and come here. One of the biggest reasons is that there are evil people who started sending threatening letters to my dad because he worked with the American Army as a contractor. They wanted him to stop or they would kill his family. At first, my dad didn't take it seriously because it was an insane way of thinking. Then again after a week we received the same letter, but this time the letter said that they are going to kill us one by one and they going to start with youngest one in our family. By then, Dad was frustrated, angry and very scared. So he decided to send us to Amman, Jordan where it safe and peaceful.
But that wasn’t the end. My family and I we faced to many problems in Jordan because of our religion. In Jordan, Most Jordanians are Sunni Muslims. In general, the Sunni Muslims hate the Shiite Muslims. Because of our religion, life was very hard for us in Jordan. So very much I had to hide and keep my real religion a secret from everyone from my school my neighbors in Jordan so I can survive.
I hated my life so much. Because I had to do things I had never done before and I even knew what I was doing wrong but there was no other way for me to survive. That hurt me a lot but there was no other way for me to show them or making them change their way of thinking. I want to tell everyone in school and outside the school that not every Shiite Muslims is bad person. I really wanted to tell them so bad. But I could not.
Also it was very hard for Iraqi people to work in Jordan so my dad had to leave us and go back to Iraq so he could find a job there more easily. He worked there for a year. Mom used to say her prayers every day asking God to bring Dad back to us safe and sound. My mom was so strong and she taught us how to be as strong as she was. We were happy when my dad came back to Jordan. He told us that we could apply to go to the USA as refugees. That day I was so happy. I said to myself,” yeah Farah it’s time to tell everyone that I am Shiite Muslim.” When I told them they all looked at me in a totally different way. They looked at me in really mean way. The look was very nasty and they kept distance from me. So I told,” them what do you all really mean by this look?” I was your friend I was your neighbor you all told me not to leave because you guys said that you love me for who I was. Now you all look down on me because I told you what my religion was. They did not say anything to me. They were so silent that day. So I told them it is not about the religion or where you come from, it’s all about the heart that every one of us holds.
Then we come here to America and we were very scared. We come from Iraq which is the country that America having a fight with. We were really afraid that something bad will happen to us if we come here, but America was our last chance to survive. It was the only way for us to start dreaming again of our future.
The first week in America was scare. We spend the whole week hiding inside the house. My Dad was afraid that something bad will happened to us if we go outside. So we would look from the window to the outside and it just looked so beautiful. So I tell my brothers and sisters let’s wait till dad sleep and lets go to see what is going on out there. So we all were really were scare, and we know we are going to be in big trouble if dad wakeup.
The six of us driving in our bicycles, and everyone we see outside saying hello to us. It feels so good and warm because really no one has ever done this before. So then I start doing the same things I start saying hi to everyone I see. My old brother Hashim he start saying, “Farah stop saying, Hi to everyone you see” I told him,”Hashim don’t u see people here are really cool and nice to us.” Later on Hashim was ok with it he also start saying Hi to the people he see.
Then we went back home and my dad was a wake. He was so angry. He kept telling us why you guys went off you don’t know what might happened to you. What if something bad happened to one of you what I would do then? I told my dad people here are really nice and everything outside look so cool and beautiful don’t you want to go outside now. My dad was cool about what I said and he decided to go and look outside. It was funny how my dad was reacting when I said hello to everyone I see. He said, “Farah do you know all those people.” I tell him no but it make me feel good when I say hello to them. Then my dad he feels more comfortable around the people here. Now my dad he is making his dream by opening his first restraint. Now everyone in my family working very hard on making the dream come true.
In my country most people have rules that they have to fallow. They are serious about their life. They take everything in a very serious way. Most people in Iowa are very nice and kind. Very much to me everyone seemed so cool in here and that what really make me want to stay here forever and start on making my dream life here.
I want to study to become a newspaper journalist because I want to show the whole world that there are people who been in the same situation as I was in. I want to tell them how hard and frightening the war was. I want to show everyone, “it’s not about the outside that matter but the inside of that person that really matters the most. With a good college education, I will be able to live anywhere in the United States and make my dream and my family dream come true.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
الضمير العربي كاملة 40 دقيقة
Peace, Peace, Please,
Please, Peace, Please,
There’s something we should do
That’s not been done
Something we can win
That’s not been won
Something we can SHOUT OUT
To end all their brutal war games
We Want Peace
Case for war was fake,
Don’t let it fade
More lives can be saved
Got to be brave
Something we can shout out,
We want peace, and we want it right now
Talking is Free
All we want is Peace
All we need is Peace
All we ask is Peace, Please
Peace is all we want
Saturday, October 22, 2011
important farah very important
most people think that if someone is Muslims thats mean he/she terrorism, but is that right that every muslim is terrorist? in countries like America and other countries, when people see women wearing a scarf or long clothing that covers her whole body, the people seem so afraid of her.They have image in their mind of what a terrorist is. that image fits that woman just because of the way she looks on the outside.
after 9/11 many American start to look at muslim in totally differiernt way. they look at them in really mean way. the look is very nasty and they keep distance from muslim students not friendly what do they really mean by this look?
muslim students go to school. they go to a school where eveyone looks at them like if they were terrorism and without knowing who they are from inside. people think they are different because they are muslims. I don’t understand why people think that why. why can’t they look to the inside of their heart why can they.
after 9/11 many American start to look at muslim in totally differiernt way. they look at them in really mean way. the look is very nasty and they keep distance from muslim students not friendly what do they really mean by this look?
muslim students go to school. they go to a school where eveyone looks at them like if they were terrorism and without knowing who they are from inside. people think they are different because they are muslims. I don’t understand why people think that why. why can’t they look to the inside of their heart why can they.
Friday, October 21, 2011
aldmer al3rbe2
What can I do I don't know what to do I don't know I really want to do something but I don't know what to do when all this wars will stop can someone answer me plz ohhhhhhhhhhh I am so tired I want this war to stop what more they want what can I and u do to make this war in ours countries to stop how can I ohhhhhhh ooooooooooffffffffffffff plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz God make all this war in our counties to stop plzzzz make them stop plz make them stop killing plz what a person like me can do what can I do what can I do
Monday, October 17, 2011
I wrote your name in my heart
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Biggest Problem - Overturned Priorities
Different cultures around the world are often very different. Great differences exist between Jordan and America, for example. Besides the usual categories of language, food, and clothing, some differences go much deeper. The biggest differences include religion, appearance, and wealth. In one culture, these issues define the person, while in the other, they are just accessories of the personality.
In Jordan, the important things are beliefs, how well someone dresses, and how much money each person has. What is on the inside of a person does not matter unless the outside looks nice, too. If the outside is ugly, or fat, or not well dressed, no one will take the time to get to know that person. It does not stop at not getting to know someone. Others who look better will also make life bad for those who do not look good. They will call them names and make their lives miserable to the point that some people commit suicide.
Most Jordanians are Sunni Muslims. In general, the Sunni Muslims hate the Shiite Muslims. This is because of a disagreement many years ago. Long ago, the Shiite Muslims killed a religious leader, not realizing he was a good man. Even today, the Sunni hate the Shiite for this reason. Many Sunni Muslims are afraid of Shiite Muslims and believe they are all killers, like the Shiite Muslims who killed the Imam. Because of this, life is very hard for the Shiite Muslims in Jordan.
Money makes friends in Jordan. If someone has money, even if they are a bad person, everyone will want to befriend this person. Even the nicest person imaginable finds it hard to make friends if they have no money. In this society, everyone seems masked. No one can see the true person, and no one wants to see the true person. They only care what the mask looks like instead of the person behind the mask.
On the other hand, America looks more at the inside. Although some people say that it matters what people wear and how they look, everyone has an equal chance. The most important thing is the heart inside of the person, rather than the face the person has. In America, people feel free to be themselves. With this freedom, people have more power to stand up for themselves and to say and do what they think is right, even if they are not considered beautiful or good-looking.
In the US, people choose their own religion. Anyone can choose whatever religion they choose to be. People can even choose to not have a religion. The people of America tell other people what they believe without fear of what might happen. They have a voice and have pride in what they do or do not believe. The people here know that they do not have to be afraid of something happening to them if they say what they believe.
Money is very important in America, as it is in Jordan. The difference is why money is important. In America, life is expensive. People need money to have a home, to buy food, and to get an education. It takes money to get an education, and people get educated so that they can make more money. However, if people do not have a lot of money, but they work hard, they can still have respect. In Jordan, it does not matter how hard someone works unless they also have money.
Religion, money, and looks matter everywhere in the world. However, these things should not be the way in which people are judged. What is on the inside is the thing that matters. There is no one in the whole world who is perfect. For this reason, people should not look down on each other, but should instead work together for the good of everyone. In these aspects, Jordan and America are very different from each other. Jordanian culture needs to learn these points and change the way they see others, so that everyone can have an equal chance for a satisfying life.
In Jordan, the important things are beliefs, how well someone dresses, and how much money each person has. What is on the inside of a person does not matter unless the outside looks nice, too. If the outside is ugly, or fat, or not well dressed, no one will take the time to get to know that person. It does not stop at not getting to know someone. Others who look better will also make life bad for those who do not look good. They will call them names and make their lives miserable to the point that some people commit suicide.
Most Jordanians are Sunni Muslims. In general, the Sunni Muslims hate the Shiite Muslims. This is because of a disagreement many years ago. Long ago, the Shiite Muslims killed a religious leader, not realizing he was a good man. Even today, the Sunni hate the Shiite for this reason. Many Sunni Muslims are afraid of Shiite Muslims and believe they are all killers, like the Shiite Muslims who killed the Imam. Because of this, life is very hard for the Shiite Muslims in Jordan.
Money makes friends in Jordan. If someone has money, even if they are a bad person, everyone will want to befriend this person. Even the nicest person imaginable finds it hard to make friends if they have no money. In this society, everyone seems masked. No one can see the true person, and no one wants to see the true person. They only care what the mask looks like instead of the person behind the mask.
On the other hand, America looks more at the inside. Although some people say that it matters what people wear and how they look, everyone has an equal chance. The most important thing is the heart inside of the person, rather than the face the person has. In America, people feel free to be themselves. With this freedom, people have more power to stand up for themselves and to say and do what they think is right, even if they are not considered beautiful or good-looking.
In the US, people choose their own religion. Anyone can choose whatever religion they choose to be. People can even choose to not have a religion. The people of America tell other people what they believe without fear of what might happen. They have a voice and have pride in what they do or do not believe. The people here know that they do not have to be afraid of something happening to them if they say what they believe.
Money is very important in America, as it is in Jordan. The difference is why money is important. In America, life is expensive. People need money to have a home, to buy food, and to get an education. It takes money to get an education, and people get educated so that they can make more money. However, if people do not have a lot of money, but they work hard, they can still have respect. In Jordan, it does not matter how hard someone works unless they also have money.
Religion, money, and looks matter everywhere in the world. However, these things should not be the way in which people are judged. What is on the inside is the thing that matters. There is no one in the whole world who is perfect. For this reason, people should not look down on each other, but should instead work together for the good of everyone. In these aspects, Jordan and America are very different from each other. Jordanian culture needs to learn these points and change the way they see others, so that everyone can have an equal chance for a satisfying life.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
قصيدة ولد الهدى ( احمد شوقى) لمدح رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
ولد الهدى فالكائنات ضياء **** وفم الزمان تبسم وسناء
الروح والملأ الملائك حوله **** للدين والدنيا به بشراء
والعرش يزهو والحظيرة تزدهي **** والمنتهى والسدرة العصماء
والوحي يقطر سلسلا من سلسل **** واللوح والقلم البديع رواء
يا خير من جاء الوجود تحية **** من مرسلين إلى الهدى بك جاؤوا
بك بشر الله السماء فزينت **** وتوضعت مسكا بك الغبراء
يوم يتيه على الزمان صباحه **** ومساؤه بمحمد وضاء
يوحي إليك الفوز في ظلمائه **** متتابعا تجلى به الظلماء
والآي تترى والخوارق جمة **** جبريل رواح بها غداء
دين يشيد آية في آية **** لبنائه السورات والأضواء
الحق فيه هو الأساس وكيف لا **** والله جل جلاله البناء
بك يا ابن عبدالله قامت سمحة **** بالحق من ملل الهدى غراء
بنيت على التوحيد وهو حقيقة **** نادى بها سقراط والقدماء
ومشى على وجه الزمان بنورها **** كهان وادي النيل والعرفاء
الله فوق الخلق فيها وحده **** والناس تحت لوائها أكفاء***
والدين يسر والخلافة بيعة **** والأمر شورى والحقوق قضاء
الاشتراكيون أنت أمامهم **** لولا دعاوي القوم والغلواء
داويت متئدا وداووا طفرة **** وأخف من بعض الدواء الداء
الحرب في حق لديك شريعة **** ومن السموم الناقعات دواء
والبر عندك ذمة وفريضة **** لا منة ممنوحة وجباء
جاءت فوحدت الزكاة سبيله **** حتى إلتقى الكرماء والبخلاء
انصفت أهل الفقر من أهل الغنى **** فالكل في حق الحياة سواء
يا من له الأخلاق ما تهوى العلا **** منها وما يتعشق الكبراء
زانتك في الخلق العظيم شمائل **** يغرى بهن ويولع الكرماء
فإذا سخوت بلغت بالجود المدى **** وفعلت ما لا تفعل الأنواء
وإذا عفوت فقادرا ومقدرا **** لا يستهين بعفوك الجهلاء
وإذا رحمت فأنت أم أو أب **** هذان في الدنيا هما الرحماء
وإذا خطبت فللمنابر هزة **** تعرو الندى وللقلوب بكاء
وإذا أخذت العهد أو أعطيته **** فجميع عهدك ذمة ووفاء
يامن له عز الشفاعة وحده **** وهو المنزه ماله شفعاء
لي في مديحك يا رسول عرائس **** تيمن فيك وشاقهن جلاء
هن الحسان فإن قبلت تكرما **** فمهورهن شفاعة حسناء
ما جئت بابك مادحا بل داعيا **** ومن المديح تضرع ودعاء
أدعوك عن قومي الضعاف لأزمة **** في مثلها يلقى عليك رج
Monday, April 25, 2011
It’s Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back.
Born Malcolm Little in Omaha in 1925
You were forced to flee
white supremicists twice
before the age of five
Your fearless father was murdered and
Your mother then went insane
Eight children then got fostered out
But no one got the blame
You wanted to be a lawyer and you
Graduated the top of your class
But your racist ignorant teacher
Was much worse than a pain in the ass
So you drifted into crime in Harlems’
Tough mean neighbourhoods
Running numbers ,narcotics,prostitution
The main leader of the hoods
You got ten years with your buddy
Malcolm “ Shorty “ Jarvis
Serving seven in reality on
A host of burglary charges
While doin time for all these crimes
You had a religious conversion
Accepting Elijah’s Muhammeds' teaching
And the Nation of Islams’ version
Of analysis and enpowerment of Afro-American blacks
While the long feared “Black Messiah”
then crisscrossed the States
Buiding the NOI
Brilliant oratorical skills
and many wise insights
Then brought the activities of the State
And an agenda of a shortened life
Then the test of faith arrives
Elijah is no living prophet
Affairs and children everwhere
And warm comfort from good profit
You broke with the Nation Of Islam
And founded the Muslim Mosque
Returning from Mecca in 64
Preaching unity to beat the boss
But this new message of unity
Made you a bigger threat than ever
The NOI then moved against you
And the State was boxing clever
Slaughtered in the Audobon ballroom
in the year 1965
A second man is caught by the crowd
But he was never ever tried
Laid to rest in Fernhill cemetry
A martyred “Black Messiah”
The powerful just could not let you live
And feared your love and fire i see you now
Standing tall,
Erect, fearless,
Speaking with voice so loud
"Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speaking up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy."
I hear you Malcolm.
You with perfect diction.
Fire in your voice
Fire in your eyes
Saying the things
That the Brother and Sister
Long to hear.
I feel the warmth of your
The true feeling of friendship
I feel the tenderness of your love
And sincerity.
You were forced to flee
white supremicists twice
before the age of five
Your fearless father was murdered and
Your mother then went insane
Eight children then got fostered out
But no one got the blame
You wanted to be a lawyer and you
Graduated the top of your class
But your racist ignorant teacher
Was much worse than a pain in the ass
So you drifted into crime in Harlems’
Tough mean neighbourhoods
Running numbers ,narcotics,prostitution
The main leader of the hoods
You got ten years with your buddy
Malcolm “ Shorty “ Jarvis
Serving seven in reality on
A host of burglary charges
While doin time for all these crimes
You had a religious conversion
Accepting Elijah’s Muhammeds' teaching
And the Nation of Islams’ version
Of analysis and enpowerment of Afro-American blacks
While the long feared “Black Messiah”
then crisscrossed the States
Buiding the NOI
Brilliant oratorical skills
and many wise insights
Then brought the activities of the State
And an agenda of a shortened life
Then the test of faith arrives
Elijah is no living prophet
Affairs and children everwhere
And warm comfort from good profit
You broke with the Nation Of Islam
And founded the Muslim Mosque
Returning from Mecca in 64
Preaching unity to beat the boss
But this new message of unity
Made you a bigger threat than ever
The NOI then moved against you
And the State was boxing clever
Slaughtered in the Audobon ballroom
in the year 1965
A second man is caught by the crowd
But he was never ever tried
Laid to rest in Fernhill cemetry
A martyred “Black Messiah”
The powerful just could not let you live
And feared your love and fire i see you now
Standing tall,
Erect, fearless,
Speaking with voice so loud
"Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speaking up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy."
I hear you Malcolm.
You with perfect diction.
Fire in your voice
Fire in your eyes
Saying the things
That the Brother and Sister
Long to hear.
I feel the warmth of your
The true feeling of friendship
I feel the tenderness of your love
And sincerity.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
my first day at school
My first day in school was unforgettable. I woke up early that day. I remember felling very excited. I ware my uniform. My parents took me to school. When I entered the school. My classmate came running up and asked my name. I met a lot of friends at school. Everyone was so nice and kind. I was very happy that day. I really liked the school. I met a lot of teachers. They were very nice. I enjoyed going to school every day. We all speak Arabic at school. My favorite class was math. I enjoyed reading too. My best friend was Noor. She was so nice to me. We always play together. We study together. We had a lot of fun. At lunch we always sit together. I will never ever forget her. My first day experience in school remains fresh in my mind
My first day in school was unforgettable. I woke up early that day. I remember felling very excited. I ware my uniform. My parents took me to school. When I entered the school. My classmate came running up and asked my name. I met a lot of friends at school. Everyone was so nice and kind. I was very happy that day. I really liked the school. I met a lot of teachers. They were very nice. I enjoyed going to school every day. We all speak Arabic at school. My favorite class was math. I enjoyed reading too. My best friend was Noor. She was so nice to me. We always play together. We study together. We had a lot of fun. At lunch we always sit together. I will never ever forget her. My first day experience in school remains fresh in my mind
why uniform good for students
the uniform for school. They put everyone on an even field and the students can get to learning and not comparing clothing or labels. The "poor" kids feel as good as the "rich" ones in the clothing and aren't picked on about clothing.
The first reason is that with uniforms all the students will look better and orderly because it will look like all the students are clean and intelligent persons who are dedicated for their work in class. And maybe if they look like that, they can feel like that.
The second reason is that buying uniforms is cheaper that buying jeans and shirts for school and that is a benefit for the parents of the students that are in the school. Also the students won't have to worry about the clothes that they have to wear to school.
Another reason is that if they are out of school and the people want to know about what school that the student is going to, the people can know easily if the student is wearing a specific uniform. If a student from that school does something bad, the people from other places can know if the student is from a specific school.
The first reason is that with uniforms all the students will look better and orderly because it will look like all the students are clean and intelligent persons who are dedicated for their work in class. And maybe if they look like that, they can feel like that.
The second reason is that buying uniforms is cheaper that buying jeans and shirts for school and that is a benefit for the parents of the students that are in the school. Also the students won't have to worry about the clothes that they have to wear to school.
Another reason is that if they are out of school and the people want to know about what school that the student is going to, the people can know easily if the student is wearing a specific uniform. If a student from that school does something bad, the people from other places can know if the student is from a specific school.
my first day of seeing a snow fall
This is my first day of seeing a snow fall. The season is full of beautiful scenes. The gelid drops of dew fall on the green turfs. They look as beautiful as pearls. The color of rising sun is deep red. The sun gives rise the fallen drops of colors. Some flowers are milk white, some are coral red, some are sky blue. Others are green, yellow and golden. The flower look fresh and bright with dew drops upon them. There are no more clouds in the sky. The winter sky is clear and blue. I could see the winds flailing the snow all around the town. The trees are all are cold and white with snow.I felt awesome seeing the snow. In Jordan, the snow might last five minutes on the ground. Here in Iowa, the snow did not stop for hours and I stayed up late to watch it fall. I grabbed my camera and ran outside and I took a lot of pictures. My brother and I made our first snowman and it was an awesome snowman. We made it look really funny. I had a lot of fun playing with the cold, wet snow. My hands felt cold and numb as we shaped the snowman. We broke branches off a tree to use for a nose and arms. I went ice skating. It was very hard to skate. I had never been ice skating before. I felt almost 11 times. But I had a really hard time skating. I like the one that you sit in it and slight down. I think it was fun and easy. The winter is really cold in Iowa. My first day seeing snow it remains fresh in my mind and it will remain forever.
Monday, April 18, 2011
MY experiences in Iraq, Jordan, and the U.S

Where I was, I came here as a refugee to the U.S. My life changed during the war in Iraq. There are reasons why we left the country.
Before the war started, I was having a happy life with my family and my friends. I lived in Baghdad, the Capital of Iraq; it’s a beautiful big city with a large population. The people there are very welcoming. They made me feel like I was part of their family. I lived in Baghdad all my life, and I loved everything about it. Baghdad was for me not just a country it was like my home. Iraq was the place where everything was good and warm because of its kind and warm people. Baghdad was like a second mother to me, but when the war started, everything changed. My life was overturned.
We saw many reasons why we would want to leave the country.
Many people died. There were many fights in Iraq and many people left their work because of terrorism. Many terrorists come from surrounding countries. They come to make money, or because they were extremists and wanted to kill others in the name of religion. When people walked in the streets, they could find dead bodies all around! That’s how I lost many of my friends and my family. I was so upset and angry. I was hoping the war would stop, but it didn’t. Evil people started sending threatening letters to my dad because he worked with the American Army as a contractor. They wanted him either to stop or they would kill his family. At first, my dad didn't take it seriously because it was an insane way of thinking. Then again after a week we got the same letter, but this time letter said that they going to kill us one by one and they going to start with youngest one in our family. By then, dad was frustrated, angry and very scared. So decide to send us to Amman, Jordan where it’s safe and peaceful.
Leaving the family back home was really sad for all of us. We left Baghdad to go to Amman, Jordan, and lived there for 3 years. We were happy and sad at the same time. Our big problem was that it was so hard for Iraqi people to work in Jordan. That’s why my dad had to leave us and go back home so he could find a job there easier. He worked there for a year. Mom used to say her prayers every day asking God to bring dad back to us safe and sound. My mom was so strong and she taught us how to be as strong as she was. We were happy when my dad came back to Jordan. He told us that we could apply to go to the USA as refugees. That’s how we made it to the USA.
Now we are happy here in the U.S because we are safe and there are many people nice to us here. But we genuinely miss our country. I hope I can see my country again. When I came to the USA I was thinking I would not have friends, but then I came and I met many good friends. I am really happy here. Through everything that happened in my life in Iraq, Jordan, and the USA, My life has changed a lot, and I have learned many things. I have learned how to be strong, and how to see who is good and who is bad. I have learned that whatever happened I cannot give up on life because there are always two ways in life, and I am the one who choices how I want my life to be. I was always thinking that life meant nothing but now I know what life is all about. I thank God for everything that happened in my life and how my life changed me to be me just me.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
50 cent story .. hold me down song,
The rapper known as 50 Cent is living proof that hip-hop is as much a lifestyle as it is a type of music. He was a star in the underground mix-tape circuit for several years, but the rest of the world did not hear about him until 2002, when his first single, "Wanksta," appeared on the soundtrack of the film 8 Mile. In 2003, 50 Cent's debut album Get Rich or Die Tryin', topped the charts and broke sales records. As a result, the young rapper was constantly in the press, and his life became an open book. This was not a "studio gangsta," meaning a musician who makes up stories about drugs, violence, and murder in order to sell records; 50 Cent was the real deal. He grew up on the streets of New York, survived being shot at nine times, and used those experiences to fuel his songs. As a result, critics noted that his music had a gritty edge, and they predicted that 50 Cent would be the next hip-hop heavyweight.
Read more: 50 Cent Biography - life, family, childhood, children, parents, death, history, wife, school
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