
Saturday, October 22, 2011

important farah very important

most people think that if someone is Muslims thats mean he/she terrorism, but is that right that every muslim is terrorist? in countries like America and other countries, when people see women wearing a scarf or long clothing that covers her whole body, the people seem so afraid of her.They have image in their mind of what a terrorist is. that image fits that woman just because of the way she looks on the outside.

after 9/11 many American start to look at muslim in totally differiernt way. they look at them in really mean way. the look is very nasty and they keep distance from muslim students not friendly what do they really mean by this look?

muslim students go to school. they go to a school where eveyone looks at them like if they were terrorism and without knowing who they are from inside. people think they are different because they are muslims. I don’t understand why people think that why. why can’t they look to the inside of their heart why can they.

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